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Posts tagged ‘Raw food’

Yumminess can come in many forms….

Yumminess can come in many forms. Yes, it refers to flavor, but does that have to only apply to food and drink? I think not. Flavor is needed to spice up life in general! As Christians, we are called to BE Salt and even to season our conversations with it. (Matthew 5:12-14 {NIV and The Message both!}, Mark 9:50, Luke 14:34, Colossians 4:6), I have heard a few interpretations on that verse, some saying that Salt makes people thirsty, drawing others to Christ. Others have said Salt brings out the flavor–whether it brings out the flavor in the other person or the one who is Salty, both seem like a great result to me! It is your own personal flavor that makes you who you are, and Who God created you to be. There is also the thought that Salt–the good stuff, mind you, not the over-processed and laden-ed with chemicals kind– is made up of Trace Minerals that we need…so it is FOUNDATIONAL to life.

–and yes, I know we can over-do the salt thing as an actual flavoring.  If you are on a low sodium diet, there are lots of healthy alternatives that you have probably looked into already, including celery salt, salt subs made from potassium (I think?), as well as Dulse flakes, and Bragg’s Amino Acids, to name a few.

–We can possibly even over-do our own personal Flavor of salt and wear out our friends and family with our “me”-ness…so we do need to keep turning our focus to Jesus and asking Him to help us sense when our Flavor is overwhelming our loved ones…but I digress…(one of the many attributes of my own flavor that I need to watch!) And luckily, there is Grace…again, check out Colossians 4:6.  Love it.

So.  Back to Yumminess.

This week my brand of Yumminess to share will come in both physical and spiritual forms…tastes, peeps, loves, and tastes again…shall we?

This week was my anniversary week.  I have been married for 7 years to a wonderful, wonderful (can I say that again?) wonderful man!  I was asked if we have experienced the 7 year itch…I would say that if we did, it was EARLY in our marriage, when things were quite rocky at times…but by the Grace of God and His leading us to a few workshops as well as the commitment we have made, we are stronger than we have ever been, in every way, and I am so grateful.  We have chosen to realize that at times it may be yucky, and we can say, “hey.  It is getting yucky.  Since I am not leaving, and you are not leaving, we have to choose either to live yucky the rest of our lives, or to fix it and live not-yucky again…”  Guess what we have chosen?  So, my first yummy flavor is love, marriage, hard work, fun, and love again and always, with my sweet baboo….Thank You, darling man.


Flavor #2:  Olive Oil…Devo Olive Oil, to be exact. And Vinegars.  I love ’em!  One day a couple of years ago (or just one?), I talked my hubby into going into a Devo Olive Oil store with me; they had samplings of many Oils and Vinegars.  My husband does NOT like to sample.  I could repeat that thirty times, that is how much he despises sampling.  Somehow, I convinced him (probably with the help of their descriptions and flavors) to sample, and away we went!  I cannot imagine how many he tried that day!  As he was embarking on a healthier lifestyle, he went in and bought a sampler pack a few weeks later, as well as a big bottle of Sicilian Lemon Balsamic, our favorite from the sampling day (do you know how much we love Italy and all things hinting of Italian?  Type “Italian” into the search window of this blog, and a few posts will come up…).

That was over a year ago…we are almost through with the sampler pack (by just a few drops, actually), but let me just say that we have been hoarding it a bit or it would have been gone in NO TIME! We finished the Lemon a few weeks ago…I finally let it go, as a wonderful friend of mine had gotten me some of the Blueberry Balsamic, and I felt free to move on…sigh.  Emotional attachment to food anyone? oops.  Thank You, Lord, for meaning more to me than food…but thank You also for yumminess!

Let me tell you something:  that Blueberry Balsamic?  amazing.  Like many of their fruit flavored balsamics, this stuff can go straight on a whole grain pancake with no other sweeteners needed, not to mention a salad!  In fact, I have been eating green salads for breakfast often since having that flavor in my kitchen!   A handful or two of greens, some pumpkin seeds or almonds, and 2 tsp of Blueberry Balsamic, and I am good to go! Sometimes I add a teaspoon of flax oil, just for added creamy buttery goodness and little bit of Omega-3…

Breakfast Salad of Spinach, Almonds, 2 tsps Devo Blueberry Balsamic, 1 tsp Flax oil, salt to taste

Another favorite of mine?  Using vinegar on popcorn.  Seriously!  I especially love using the Devo Honey Ginger White Balsamic mixed with a little EVOO (maybe a Devo flavor, or standard!) or some Flax Oil, and pour THAT over my popcorn!  So, so, so yummy, and you have cut out at least HALF the fat you normally used on your popcorn, if not more!  I dare you to try it.  A little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, and so good.  I cannot stand dry popcorn, but I don’t want to load up on yucky fats, so this is how I Flavor my life in that regard…Thank you Devo for so many great products!

Popcorn with a Traditional Balsamic and EVOO; I am out of the Honey Ginger White, but I just ordered some more Sicilian Lemon AND the Natural Butter Olive oil to try with popcorn!

You can check out the Honey Ginger White Balsamic in the 9- or 16-pack samplers with a whole bunch of other amazing flavors…if I list them all, I will start drooling, so maybe you should just go browse the website…The other flavors I have mentioned come in 3 sizes of bottles, so you can choose what fits your lifestyle and budget best!  Plus if you go to the website and get on their mailing list, they often have links and promotions where by “liking” them on facebook, following on Twitter, etc, you can get discounts off the products!  What is not to like about that?!?  So, follow my instructions: Right-click the link below to open in new tab (you don’t want to totally navigate away from this blog, do you?), and check out all that is Amazing and Flavorful at Devo Oil!!!



Amazing flavor in my life #3?  My darling yoga peeps.  Got some more pics for you of my sweeties and their accomplishments…keep in mind, though, what I am REALLY PROUD of them for is not just some new and challenging pose (some were even doing jumpbacks from crow to plank…and we all LOVE flower!) –which is worth the praise for sure!— but their ever increasing ability to chill out and relax at both the beginning and end of class.  So wonderful.  If you could only see how they lay back and rest in their Savior’s arms and let it go…It makes me so very happy for them.


Final Flavor this week…We are getting closer to fall, y’all!  I know, I know, we still have this holiday weekend to get through and it looks like it may still be hot as blazes for awhile yet, but with school starting up again, I keep thinking about the smell of a number 2 pencil and the crackle of fall leaves!  So when I saw this recipe show up in my e-mail box, I just had to share it…and you can eat it cold OR warm (or hot, if you aren’t trying to preserve the “rawness”), so you can have it even when it is still 101 degrees outside…ahem.

This comes from the Hallelujah Acres website, of the Hallelujah Diet book, etc.  I highly recommend the book…it has wonderful Biblical principles, testimonies of better health through a change in diet and lifestyle, recipes, and more! Slight warning/note:  they do promote some of their own brand products within the book, which I do not think are always necessary…other than that, I really think they are a good company with a good foundation, and this book has a balanced approach to raw food-ism, which includes intake of cooked food!  Don’t be scared!

Raw Harvest Pumpkin Soup

Submitted By: Rhonda Malkmus

This raw soup rivals any chilled soup from the fanciest of restaurants! Try it for Thanksgiving… your guests will be impressed!


  • 3 cups raw pumpkin OR butternut squash (peeled and diced)
  • 2 ½ cups distilled water
  • 1 orange (peeled, quartered, and seeded)
  • 1 red bell pepper (quartered and seeded)
  • 1 cup frozen corn kernels (thawed)
  • 1 tsp raw unfiltered honey
  • ½ avocado (pitted)
  • ½ tsp Celtic or Himalayan salt (or to taste)
  • ¼-inch piece of ginger (peeled)
  • 1 garlic clove (optional)
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds


  1. Place all ingredients in a Vita-Mix or other powerful blender and process until creamy.
  2. Divide into 4 soup bowls and garnish with raw pumpkin seeds and fresh thyme.

Organic ingredients are always recommended.

To print the recipe alone:


So, I pray that you all have a wonderfully Flavorful weekend in every way!  How do YOU flavor your life?  comment below….

The entire breakfast: Sweet Spinach Salad, Sprouted Millet Porridge with Chopped Figs, and a little half-caf coffee with Almond Milk and Truvia

Things I love, that lift my spirit… Part 1: “music and mayo”

I love, love, love, love, love MUSIC.

I love, love, love, love, love teaching Christ-centered yoga, and using music that helps to center my mind on good, lovely, admirable, excellent thoughts as I practice!

And I love, love, love, love, love….mayonnaise.


Yes, it’s true.  I ADORE ME SOME MAYO.  When I was a kid, my dad loved Miracle Whip, and my mom loved Helmann’s….for a long time, I followed Daddy’s footsteps.  I don’t know when it happened, exactly, but at some point in my life, I made the switch.  I crossed over.  I became a mayo-girl.


Guess what?

Mayonnaise is not exactly good for you.  Depending on how it is made, it can be downright horrendous for you, in fact.  And still, dag-nabbit, it’s yummy.  You can take marvelously healthy things like apples and nuts and celery and coat them with some mayo to make a Waldorf Salad…and you have lost a little of the good-n-healthy…maybe more than a little, depending where you got it…and how much mayo was put in…

Now, I have made mayo at home the old-fashioned way, with egg and oil and cooking in a saucepan forever, and drizzing and whirring, and….phew!  And let me just say, it tastes great, and honestly, the homemade version has less ingredients, and in moderation?  not so bad…


These days I make a much leaner, meaner,and thank-You-so-much easier “mayo”, and I have just got to share it with you!

I also want to share my 2 latest playlists for my All-levels Vessels of Clay Yoga classes….

So, first, let’s lift our spirits with that mayo recipe…and no, I am not promoting that we get our comfort or peace from food!  However, a little bit of a good, healthy thing added to our super-healthy foods will definitely keep us from feeling deprived, depressed, and ready to run to the nearest convenience store for the packaged-food-poison of our choice…and how many of you know that when you do that, your spirit, not just your body, feels horrible?!?  So, let’s choose this instead:

Beannaise (from The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook by Jo Stepaniak)

2 cups drained cooked or canned white beans (one 15- or 16-ounce can)

2 Tbsps fresh lemon juice

1 Tbsp white wine vinegar ( I use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar)

1/2 tsp salt (I use himalayan sea salt)

1/4 tsp dry mustard

1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil*

1/3 cup organic canola or safflower oil(or a blend of both)*

(I also add a pinch of cayenne pepper, which is what one does when making “traditional” homemade mayo anyway!)

“Place the beans, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and dry mustard in a blender or food processor fitted with a metal blade.  Process until very creamy.  With the appliance running, drizzle in the oils in a slow, steady stream through the cap opening in the lid. (It’s ok if you cannot do this with your appliance…I can’t either…just add little bits at time…maybe split the oil into 2 sets.) Continue processing until well blended, stopping to scrape down the sides of the container as needed.  Chill thoroughly before using. Keeps about 7 days in the refrigerator.  May be frozen.”

{Here is my little eco-friendly commercial:  my local friends see me using old glass jars for everything from drinking fresh veggie juice or green smoothies to storing leftovers or…yep, my Beannaise.  Why store things in a plastic container which is leaching all kinds of yucky stuff into your food, when you already have plenty of glass jars just from buying things like pasta sauce, pickles, or peanut butter?  Sure, they will stack up eventually, and you will need to make a trip to the recycling center, but until then, save the various sizes (those pure-fruit jam jars are great for bringing little drinks in your lunch box, or for salad dressings, while the mason jar sizes are great for hummus, Beannaise, bigger portions of homemade dressings, leftovers, and well, for this southern girl, drinking some “healthy” sweet tea!) AND support your health while lowering your addition to rising energy costs, etc…

–just a thought!}

*For the fats, I go a few different ways…I have mixed olive oil and flax oil before (flax is ok as long as you don’t cook it over 400 degrees, or it becomes a hydrogenated oil), or olive oil and walnut oil, or whatever…if you have a flavor-infused oil, that could make an interesting mayo!  Something I REALLY like to do, is use 1 part EVOO to 1 part Veganaise–a vegan mayo product.  It gives it that much more mayo flavor on top of what your recipe is giving.  Recently, I used the last little bits of all the mayo’s we had in our fridge, as well as oil…some were an omega-3 brand, some were a “light” helmann’s, and some were Veganaise…plus the EVOO.  Obviously, it is up to you what is ok in your sense of moderation…just pray about it and wait for peace.  With all of the beans, you get much more fiber and protein than you do in your usual mayo!!!

Beannaise from "The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook"

For those who dig this stuff, here is the nutritional information provided with the original recipe’s ingredients:

per 2 Tbsp:

calories- 96, protein- 2g, fat- 8g, carb- 5g, calcium- 18mg, sodium- 60mg.

By the way, this book is a great book full of recipes for making “cheez” out of nuts, beans, and other items, as well as making sauces, spreads, entrees, etc all while being dairy free…This particular recipe is free of gluten, soy, nuts, yeast and corn…so, this cookbook addresses a myriad of food-related allergies…

It also has some great charts on how much calcium can be found in  plants vs dairy, and how much better balance one can find in protein, fats, and carbs in plant-based foods vs other more “traditional” ideas….

Check it out:   


Ps…I have been known to keep mine longer than 7 days…but usually not much longer, because I use it up!!!

Now for the music portion of our spirit-lifting!

I have been in desperate need to get some new playlists going, but I have not been able to schedule the time to do it!  It literally takes me a few hours to do just one playlist…I have so much fun finding music, putting it together, seeing if the transitions are right…and then, one has to factor the technology aspect, a.k.a., are i-tunes and my i-pod going to engage together swimmingly today?  So, you see how I might put this project off to time when I can focus…

That being said, I STILL didn’t have much time last week, but I was determined.  Luckily, I started a playlist a few months ago that only needed a bit of tweaking, AND I decided to use one of my favorite teacher/friend’s playlist as a resource as well…thank goodness for the sharing of playlists…it is just another way that we as members of the church can come alongside each other, help each other out, and build each other up!  So, I tweaked my own playlist, then downloaded the music from hers and added a few more songs to make it long enough for my class, et Voila!  2 new playlists for the summer!  (and one of my favorite things about that process: when I can’t fit something in, it goes into the next playlist…so I am already halfway done with a few more; Hallelujah!!!)

{By the way, if you would like to know where my most favorite yoga studio is, where I trained to become a Christ-centered yoga teacher and to get my Registered Yoga Teacher certification, click here to be blessed!:


To read my graduate story, scroll down until you find “Robyn Hurst” on this page:


And now, back to the music!!!}

“In The Waiting (Robyn’s original–for encouraging focus as we wait upon the Lord…praising, praying, and moving, and praying some more!)

  1. Effortless Relaxation pt 1     Steven Halpern 
  2. Castle Lullaby     Roger Hudson
  3. It Is Well with My Soul    Various Instumental
  4. While We Wait     Jack Johnson
  5. You are Worthy     Instrumental, background vocal track
  6. Majesty (Here I am)     Delirious?
  7. In the Waiting     Greg Long
  8. While I’m Waiting     John Waller
  9. Wait     Mat Kearney
  10. Open Up the Sky     The Refuge
  11. Waiting Room     LaRue
  12. The Sound of Sunshine     Michael Franti & Spearhead
  13. Live High     Jason Mraz
  14. There will be a Day     Jeremy Camp
  15. Amazing Grace (ft. Ginny Owens)     Jim Brickman
  16. Sweet Hour of Prayer     Classic Worship
  17. I Surrender All     Classic Worship
  18. “prayer”     instrumental backing track
  19. Ideal Weight, Part 1o     Steven Halpern
  20. Jerusalem     Steven Halpern

“My Savior is My Peace” (modified version of Court’s Restorative playlist)

  1. Journey to Peace, Pt. 1     Liquid Mind
  2. Adagio for Sleep     Liquid Mind
  3. Holy! Holy! Holy!     Avalon
  4. In Christ Alone     Bethany Dillon & Matt Hammitt
  5. Do You Know This Man?     1000 generations
  6. Better than a Hallelujah     Amy Grant
  7. You Alone     African Village Band
  8. Intimacy     Jonathan David Helser
  9. You Alone     David Crowder Band
  10. Only You     David Crowder Band
  11. Jehovah Shalom     Shannon Wexelberg
  12. All the way my Savior Leads Me     Chris Tomlin
  13. All That You Have is your Soul     Emmylou Harris
  14. Blessed Always     Donna De Lory
  15. Journey to Peace Pt. 2     Liquid Mind
  16. Accelerating Self-Healing     Steven Halpern

hmmmmm…..just thinking about these songs inspires me….

I hope the same for you!  Peace out (in Him), my home-ginis and mayo (or miracle whip) lovers!

Ps—for the Miracle Whip lovers…no discrimination here…if you need more of a tang, add a little sweet to the above recipe,  like Truvia or honey, and see if that does the trick…maybe a little more lemon as well..it’s all up to your taste buds!!!

James 5:13

The Prayer of Faith

 13 Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.

Isaiah 61:3

 3To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He might be glorified.”

And don’t forget the give-a-way this week!  Leave a comment below, maybe tell me your favorite mayo or miracle whip story, or share if one of the songs listed above is a favorite of yours?  I will enter your name into a drawing to be held Friday, June 17th, for a yoga mat bag! ( If you have entered on another day, you CAN enter AGAIN here!)

(This is for Southwest Missouri delivery only, unless you are willing to pay the shipping charges up-front—which I am totally willing to work with—…and thank you for understanding!!!)  Feel free to leave a comment even if you are not entering the give-a-way! (but please, let me know either way…)

Fresh food, fresh rest, fresh me…


yesterday I had the first Saturday off from show business in I don’t know how long…I mean, the first Saturday off, from show business, in which I didn’t just get it off because I had something else scheduled…literally, OFF. Off. Off. OFF.


How many would agree with me that sometimes when we have “off” times, we schedule them to the brim, and then we end up feeling far worse?  Well, for ONCE, I didn’t do that…but it took a personal struggle to get there…

Friday morning dawned with thoughts of “have-to’s and should-do’s and I-just-don’t-want-to’s”….I was pooped out and tired and just needed a break, and I needed it right now thank you very much!  I cannot wait until Saturday!  So, in my fleshly wisdom (I hope you are paying attention to my careful wording), I decided not to do anything but rest…sounds great, right?  No workout, no computer…and guess what else?  No devotional time….(this is when we cue the old-time detective show music…dum da dum dum…dum da dum dum DUM!!!! And in this case, perhaps that should be spelled D-U-M-B.)

Yep, as almost always happens, the days I choose to put off my devotional time, I end up making everything worse, only to go back and do my devotional later (haggard, tired, stressed and desperate) and find that it WAS PERFECT FOR THAT DAY!!!! 

Basically, my devotional on Friday told me to Rest in God (Psalm 62:5) and pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17)….guess who prayed herself through the rest of the day, headache and all?  As much as I possibly could, I kept turning my thoughts over to the Lord, and He got me through that day…I wonder what might have happened had I done that in the first place?  I imagine I would not have allowed certain things to stress me out, I would have chosen the right kind of rest, and the things that I HAD to do (like my job, which I usually love!) would not have been nearly so difficult…

So, here is where the story starts getting more refreshing…as I mentioned before, the next day was Saturday, my first Saturday off from a show in about a bajillion years…

In my flesh, I am a total type “A” person…make that, a total type “A” person with a guilt-prone nature, an accomplishment-guided mentality, and a people-pleasing habit…which means I was sorely tempted to make my day off into a gargantuan to-do list.

But I didn’t.

I got up and went to my devotional time.  I thought of things I might want to accomplish, and then I would bring my mind back to my devotions.  I would write down things and lists I might consider doing, and I would turn them over to God.  And when they came back, I continued to go to God and listen to HIS voice reminding me to consider what would bring me the MOST PEACE, MOST REST, MOST JOY…to not be afraid that I would get carried away, but be reminded that He was right there with me, even in the planning of a day off, and that if I would just commit to stillness with Him, it would all turn out…not to be afraid of the clock, or this list…and to choose the most important things…for I have the mind of Christ, and a life lived in the Spirit, gratifies the desires of the Spirit…and my Spirit just keeps saying, “rest”.

Romans 8:6 New International Version (NIV)

6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

Galatians 5:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Now, does that mean my personality was magically transformed, and there were no problems whatsoever in carrying out this floating-on-a-cloud mission?  Don’t make me snicker-snort, please.  (Or, do.  Laughter doeth the heart like good medicine…Proverbs)

Anyway.  There were moments when I looked at the clock and thought, “oh boy, I was hoping to be further along by now”…but there were also moments when I realized, “Hey!  I have gotten a few things done that bring me peace and a smile, and it is only such-and-such-o-clock, and I am not stressed out!” 

(Sidebar:  what did I get done?  Some laundry, some house straightenin’, some food preppin’, etc, etc…Here are a few pics of the food prep just for fun…it is sooo much easier to eat healthily if you have it ready for yourself…I cut up some fresh veggies {zucchini from our own garden!},

made some home-made hummus  –I have 3 or 4 different recipes I use.  They are all very similar: a mix of beans, nut paste/butter, healthy fat, seasonings, and lemon juice.  Yesterday I used the one from Kristen Feola’s “The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast”; you can try it here:


Yummy, beany, herby goodness!

Started soaking some almonds for almond milk, and started soaking some broccoli seeds for sprouting…which will be so rewarding later!)

In the end, I DID get a few things done that I needed/wanted to do, and THEN AS I PROMISED TO MYSELF, I got to take a rest. A real rest…I took myself off down to the swimmin’ hole (yes, I am using the vernacular I mean to use), utilized a spirit of self-discipline to take a vigorous walk nearby before grabbing my outdoor yoga mat, a towel, a good book, my water and larrabar, and heading to the creek for a nice little lay-around…

It was my kind of heaven.

I even met some folks with a wonderful campsite, who happen to have gone to school with one of my cast members…a few hours from here!  Fun, small world kind of moment!

I found a quiet spot, waded in the cool water for a moment, and then settled down to just.   be.   still.

Psalm 23 just kept coming to mind.  I was certainly resting beside still waters (they may have been flowing, but compared to the craziness of a show business/tourist town, and even just what goes on in my own head some days, believe me, they were beautifully quiet and still!)

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
 3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
   for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
   through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
   for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
   they comfort me.

 5 You prepare a table before me
   in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
   my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
   all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Eventually, I did need to return home to get ready for a social engagement (well, La-dee-da, right?) …a lovely house party that was designed as a benefit for a WONDERFUL organization:  Table Rock Freedom Center,  a non-denominational, faith-based recovery residential program for women.  I highly recommend visiting their page and offering your support! Click below to learn more:


It was to be a lovely evening with my hubby and various friends/acquaintances/new friends-in-the-making with great Cajun food and wonderful music!  Thank you, my darling friends and hosts who honored Table Rock Freedom Center this way, and for opening up your home to all of us–and inviting us, even!  And to the musicians, I already told ya’ how wonderful you were…thank you again for sharing your talents with us! 

(I won’t share the names just so folks can remain anonymous if they wish…)

Back home and an attempt to wind down with a good book in bed before a full Sunday of fun planned…more on that next post…(stay tuned!)

Cuz how many of you know the enemy likes to get ya’ riled on a Sunday?  Better rest up…and Rest in Him…and pray continually…

Praying for you all who have taken the time to read, and thank you!!!



newsflash!  Having a local giveaway this week…Leave a comment below with the answer to this question, and you will be entered into a drawing for a yoga mat bag!  You choose the color (light green or maroon)…

Question:  What kind of beans are called for in the hummus recipe Robyn used today? (you can use any kind of white bean, but what kind does the actual recipe ask for?  –and guess what?  I used what I had on hand, which was different…but the question is fun!)

leave me a comment below, and your name will be entered into the drawing to be held on Friday, June 17th!  (local/Southwest Missourians only, please –I can hand deliver–,…unless you are willing to pay the shipping charges, or are coming near to visit, which is fine by me!)

Today’s Yummy Green Smoothie and Christ-centered Yoga for Tornado Relief!!!

Let's fan the flame and lift the Spirit....

Though the tornadoes that swept through the Midwest happened a couple of weeks ago, the need for help and relief is ongoing…To that end, my Christ-centered yoga business is offering two classes whose proceeds will all go to help the victims of that devastation.

There will be one All-levels/Hatha/Anusara flow style class on Thursday, June 9th from 10:45am until Noon at the Tri-Lakes Christian Church in Branson. Come to breathe, praise and worship our Savior, stretch, strengthen, sweat, relax, release, let go and let God in honor of those who are needing our help!!!

There will be a class for Seniors and/or those with Limited Mobility (a non-intimidating restorative class that is challenging but restful, and fun!!) the following Thursday, June 16th, from 10:45am to Noon, also at the Tri-Lakes Christian Church in Branson, Mo.

New students to Vessels of Clay Yoga, please leave me a comment so that I can get in contact with you about what to expect and what you need to bring. I am so looking forward to meeting you on the mat!

Admission to either class is a $10 donation; checks made payable either to Woodland Hills Family Church (with “Joplin Tornado Relief” in the memo line), or College Heights Christian Church (with “Joplin Tornado Relief” in the memo line).

You can look up Tri-Lakes Christian Church here:


Surprisingly Yummy!!!

And now….today’s Green Smoothie was a very pleasant surprise!  Isn’t it funny how you might plan something in your head for what you will have for breakfast (I was thinking maybe eggs with some greens and vegan cheese, but then realized, “oh MY-lanta, I have got to get to work on the computer…better have a smoothie instead for now…”)  Well, I call those moments God-divined, for when I have sought Him first thing, and He has fortified me to do what He has called me to do (like go work out before the day gets by me), He also often enables me to be flexible in my previously determined plans, amen?

And So.  Realizing I needed to sip a smoothie while I type a bunch o’stuff today before I have to go do a show, I opened the fridge to see what I could see…=-)  Grabbed some natural apple juice, some spinach and collards, some frozen peaches and some other stuff, and yum!!!  PLEASANT SURPRISE. Here is what is in my smoothie today:

1 Cup Natual Apple Juice (no sugar added, etc)

1 handful Baby Spinach, 2 Handfuls Garden Collards

1 Carrot

1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (1/2 serving.  a serving is 2 scoops with my brand)

liberal sprinkling of fresh ground cinnamon

about 5 drops of Liquid stevia in English Toffee flavor (Sweet leaf brand)

about 2 handfuls frozen peaches (probably a cup)

To Make:

Pour apple juice into high speed blender (I have a blendtec.  It’s ok if you have a lower speed blender, it will just take a little longer and a few more whirs to juice the produce).  Add all the greens and blend until juice.  Add one carrot (cut).  Blend until juice.  Add frozen peaches, whey protein powder, cinnamon and stevia, and blend until a smoothie!  (I actually could have blended one more time as I had 3 or 4 small peach chunks, but that’s ok.  I am at home and I can spoon them into my mouth at will!)

Here is the deal: collards?!?  I know, right?!?  But actually, the slightly pungent flavor was a GREAT offset to the sweetness of the stevia and apple juice!  You know how tart/sweet and salty/sweet go so well together sometimes?  That’s how this was…and yet, it was definitely more on the sweet side, with tons of good health on top!!!

So “Cheers and Here’s”!  (Cheers and Here’s to you!)

How’s that for ReShaping It All?  Taking care of ourselves, taking care of our neighbors in need, and loving our God wholeheartedly.  Have a blessed day my friends!!!

With God as our right-hand man, how could we not?

Isaiah 41:13

For I am the Lord, Your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

3 John 1:2

2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

We are the Church, One body, Many members, with many beautiful and different gifts and characteristics! Blessings to all of you!

Views on a Lazy Sunday, a.k.a., taking a “Real Rest”

A relaxing Sunday…not much better…

Yesterday, God was speaking to me about rest.  I was needing it.  Sadly, like most of us, I didn’t have the option of actually canceling my day…so I just kept repeating one of the verses He had placed in front of my face yesterday morning,

Luke 1:37  “Nothing is impossible with God.”

I attended to some of my to-do list, and made my way to the show, repeating under my breath more than a few times…Nothing is impossible with God….as well as,

“My grace is enough; it’s all you need.  My strength comes into its own in your weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Boy, I needed it!  I was “super-stupid-tired”, as we call it in my  house.  So tired, in fact, that when my hubby offered to meet me in town for dinner, and I had a gut feeling that this might not be a great idea, I went anyway (I didn’t want to disappoint him)…

How many of you know that we need to listen to those gut instincts more than we do?  ah well…

Honestly, it wasn’t so bad, and I made healthy choices, but again, I was so super-stupid-tired that I likely ate more than I needed…and became even more tired!!!

Returning home, we opted for Netflix and an episode of “All Creatures Great and Small” (love that wholesome show!!!) before heading for an early bedtime and some reading…

-Sidebar- what am I reading right now?  Well, I am one of those who usually has 3 or 4 books going on at a time, NOT because I lack focus, for whichever one I am reading at that moment gets my full focus!!!  Nope, I just know myself now, and I choose books according to the need for Devotion, Inspiration, Education, or Relaxation…

So, off the top of my head, tucked and layered within my bedside nightstand/shelf are:  my Bible, Tales from a Yoga Studio (fiction), ReShaping It All by Candace Cameron Bure, Invitation to Christian Yoga by Nancy Roth, Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast by Kristen Feola (why I haven’t moved it to my cookbook shelf, I don’t know…finished the Fast a few weeks ago, but as I keep using it for recipes, I keep returning it to where I found it…and since it was my devotional for 3 weeks, there ya go!), Jesus Calling, my prayer journal, assorted greeting cards from my sweet hubby, and assorted Natural Health and Yoga Journal mags that I can never seem to get to reading (hmm, wonder why…).


Lights out by 9pm, woke up around 4am and tossed-n-turned until 5:30.  Got up, fed the cats, made some oat bran/applesauce/almonds and a hot drink-y and did Devotions.  Back to bed from 6:30 to 9am.  Wow!  Slept in!  (helps to put on the sleep mask).

The view from my pillow, a.k.a., kitties holding me down...

Why do I say all of this?  To prep you for what’s coming next:

We didn’t go to church.


Before you judge, here’s the deal.  We are both exhausted.  We live 30 miles from our church, and gas prices are extremely high.

"DUE TO FUEL PRICES-WE ARE UNABLE TO PURCHASE GASOLINE" Sadly, what is happening in 'Mayberrys' all over...I hear ya, brother.

And we are both exhausted. (oh wait, I said that.)

Don’t worry, I know Hebrews 10: 24-25;

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I also know that I am free from Pharisaic thoughts and rules…and I have the mind of Christ, with wisdom and discernment!  So, it seems that yesterday’s message certainly got us through yesterday so that we could eventually come home and take a real rest…which is what I believe TODAY’S message was:

Matthew 11: 28-30Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I knew it in my heart of hearts…(and we don’t skip all the time, ok?!? (-= …)

Sooo, it has been a FABULOUS day of rest, and I just wanted to share what that looked like for us to you!

It’s not time for me to do the big laundry load yet, but every Sunday (or Saturday night) I have to watch a few necessaries so that I can continue in my  job…plus, in class last week, we did some outside yoga, so…

While things were washing, I caught up on some darning work I needed to do…(Fiona wanted to “help”…check out my classy attire…)

Fiona "helping"...

While darning, I caught up on my DVR’d episodes of XtremeLife.  It is a great half hour show about Extreme Stunts/Sports Athletes who share their faith on the road and through their sport!  I used to date a Flatland Biker, so I still have some latent Skater Chic tendencies…including how I dress and speak on occasion…no wonder people sometimes think I am younger than I am!  Check out these websites:  www.xtremelife.tv and www.realencounter.org
There are certainly others, but I have a personal connection to the Real Encounter guys, and I love the XtremeLife tv show!

Of course, our furry babies were enjoying a day of rest, too…

Fernanda, always the life of the party...

Figaro, aka Figgy, in his lazy bed...

We also seem to attract orphans.  We don’t feed them for the longest time, but…

(wish our neighbors would get their cat spayed…on a side note, we are trying to socialize these a bit so we can take them to petco…)

When I needed a snack, I made a green smoothie of spinach, strawberries, rice protein powder, and the juice from some soaked dates, plus a few superfood powders for fun…and I have to tell those who are new to green smoothies, sometimes it is REALLY most fun if you put them in a fun cup!!!

I hung my un-dryables on the line outside before taking a walk.  You can tell a lot about someone from their clothesline…who is this crazy person—yoga mat, yoga pants and top, fishnet hose and colorful bloomers?  A showgirl/yogini, that’s who!

Excited that our garden is showing signs of life…

And on my walk, I enjoyed gorgeous natural sights!  I just love walking outside.  How easy it is to praise God when His beautiful creations are all around, praising Him and Glorifying Him, too?!?

Hubby picked a couple of daisies for me when he was mowing the other day, but they’ve wilted by now, so here is this!

As I was walking, the MOST WONDERFUL SMELL….Honeysuckle!  I love Honeysuckle!

And back home to do a half an hour of yoga, wash up, and have a little techno-fun!

Getting hungry now, so need to go fix a meal…Had YUMMY flatbread pizza from The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast (see the link on the side), and I still have some leftovers…

OR, I might grill some fish in our NuWaveOven Pro–It is awesome!  Go get one from Bed, Bath, and Beyond; it comes with all the tv extras minus the shipping costs!  Great energy saver and healthy cooker!  Lots of things you can do with it!  Thinking about using another recipe from The UG to the DanFast…one with Kale, tomato, and onions…Since we have no kale, but have a plethora of Collard Greens, I am thinkin’ of subbin’…

We’ll just see!  I thank You, Lord, for healthy choices all the way around!  I praise you for this beautiful rest day, and I give You credit for it all!

I pray you all find your real rest in Him today, as well.  Be blessed and renewed, dear friends.


little Robyn

“Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”   – Jesus

Produce makes me Happy (!), but JESUS MAKES ME HAPPIER!

Soooooo, what a week this has been!  So blessed, but full of highs and lows and growth opportunities!

Last Saturday night, I came home to find this:

Produce makes me happy, but Jesus makes me HappiER!!!

Let me just tell you, THAT is one of the happiest sights for me ever to lay my eyes on…Produce that has already been washed and is now drying next to the sink…I love my hubby so much!  What a wonderful man!

So, that produce was destined for both making a green juice and making a particular salad a day or two later…seeing it there when I got home inspired me RIGHT THEN to make the aforementioned salad. The weather was perfect, I was about to have a day off, and I just couldn’t wait!

What salad you ask?  “Candace’s Famous Chopped Salad”!

I admit, and no offense, Candace, I had not heard of it before either…=-)  Not until I either:

A) started the ReShapingItAll Challenge and heard about it there, or

B) started following Candace Cameron Bure’ on Twitter -after seeing a connection with someone else I follow (Christian woman links, etc)-, and maybe saw a tweet about the salad. (?)

I honestly don’t know how or when I heard, but at some point, I decided I needed to look ahead in my ReShaping It All book and find this recipe!

Here it is, from page 117-118 of ReShaping It All:

(and I quote)
“This salad is so easy to make, and it’s incredibly healthy and delicious:  There’s no right way to do it.  Just get chopping.  If you’re making it for yourself, chop about 1/2 cup of each thing.  If you’re making it for a group, go up to 2 or 3 cups of each ingredient!
Spinach leaves
Yellow bell pepper
Corn (raw from the cob)
Egg whites only (hard-boiled)
Ham (deli sliced)
Turkey (deli sliced)
Salami (deli sliced)
Chop everything into bite-sized pieces and mix!  Add pepper to taste.  I drizzle a teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil after it is plated.  I suggest doing so in case you have leftovers.  This way it won’t get soggy in the fridge.”

CCB adds that with the avocado, not much need for more dressing…she only adds pepper to taste, as the meats have enough salt in them.  Her final suggestions are that vegetarians can skip the meats, the egg whites are pure protein, and that “aside from the meats and eggs, everything should be chopped raw.  No cooking required!  How easy is that?”

It WAS pretty easy.  And lovely.

I was sooo glad I had already hard-boiled eggs that morning…we are blessed to have friend of my mom’s who raises chickens and sends us eggs often.  We had MANY at that time, so I decided to hard-boil a bunch.  Perfect timing!  My hubby brought home the deli turkey and deli ham only, for now.  Neither of us are real fans of Cauliflower, so instead of that , I just added more spinach!!!  And let me just say, the end result was as tasty as it was BEAUTIFUL!

Candace's Famous Chopped Salad...with slight changes. =-)

My husband has really enjoyed taking some to work with him a few days this week, as well.  I JUST TONIGHT (Friday) had the last serving, and it was a big one!  This salad went the distance in taste and staying power!

That was Saturday night.

Sunday after church, Jon and I met my mom at Silver Dollar City for Mother’s Day; she had not been to World’s Fest yet, and since it is one of our favorite festivals, we loved the idea of going a second time this year.

Eating healthily at SDC can be a challenge.  It can be done, but not easily.  I already knew that I would allow myself some kind of treat, but for lunch I was hoping for something I had seen the time before…maybe it was an Indian flatbread taco salad of some kind?  Sounded great to me.

Sadly, no.  It was what looked like it might be a great  Greek salad, but being the last day of this festival, it was kind of a mish-mosh of what was left, not really high quality ingredients, and not very fresh as far as the “edible” bowl.  Bummer. 

Here’s the deal…I chose not to let that ruin my day.  I mean, it’s only food, and there would be some more soon enough!  God is my comfort, strength, and the source of happiness!

I’d like to say that I did not over-indulge in any way for the rest of the day, but that would be a lie.  In fact, I did have a little bit more treat than I had originally envisioned…so, just as I get totally excited over fresh and clean produce, I also enjoy sweets! 

I DID make some choices that strengthened my Resistance Muscle that day, but I also made some that weakened it. (a phrase I have learned from Reshaping It all…)

Remember, everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial…and I don’t wanna’ be mastered by anything! (1 Corinthians 6:12)

I CAN enjoy treats in moderation, and thank the Lord for them!  (1 Tim 4:4-5)…but the key here is moderation!  The discipline of self-control, awareness in my eating, and choosing the more beneficial things most of the time will strengthen me not only physically, but spiritually,  too! (Hebrews 12:11, Galatians 5:16)

So my next challenge?  Not condemning myself or feeling like I had totally screwed up to a point of not progressing…Knowing that can be difficult for me, I prayed for help, knew God was FOR me in this area, and let it go (well, the best that I could).

Guess what I woke up to the next morning in my “Jesus Calling” devotional?

“May 9

‘Don’t be so hard on yourself.  I can bring good even out of your mistakes.  Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret.  This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration.  Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me.  Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design.

Because you are human, you will continue to make mistakes.  Thinking that you should live an error-free life is symptomatic of pride.  Your failures can be a source of blessing, humbling you and giving you empathy for other people in their weaknesses.  Best of all, failure highlights your dependence on Me.  I am able to bring beauty out of the morass of your mistakes.  Trust Me, and watch to see what I will do.’  Romans 8:28, Micah 7:7″

Ummm, can we say Perfect.?.  Ok, Lord.  Once again, You totally have my back….and I am so grateful and humbled.  I praise You for being Love incarnate!!!  For making this little girl feel better!  And for renewing my hope through your renewed mercies each morning!

And it didn’t stop there, oh no!  Not for a minute…

I went into our little room of workout/craft/man-cave stuff to get a good sweat going, and decided to listen to one of my DVR’d episodes of Joseph Prince.  How many of you readers are familiar with the fact that when you seek God, He WILL be found?!?  Clearly, He had a few more things to tell me…The scripture for the JP program that day was Genesis 45:3-15, talking about when Joseph (of the amazing technicolor dreamcoat) had become leader of Egypt, and his brothers, who had previously sold him into slavery, had just found out who this leader of Egypt was…

Scripture says they “were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence”.

Joseph’s first reply?  “Come close to me” (v.4)!

He says, I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into slavery…but he goes on to basically say that it was not THEIR doing that sent him there, but God’s.  He had been sent to save lives, yes, theirs and others.  Currently there was a famine, and there would be no plowing or reaping for years to come, but eventually, there WOULD be a harvest, and Joseph wanted to save his brothers so they could share in it!  He said they would live in the region NEAR HIM, and He would provide for them.  And then He told them to tell HIS FATHER about everything, and bring him close…

Guess what?  This beautiful story is not just about Joseph and His brothers.  It is about Jesus, and us, and our Father.

My Heavenly Father wanted to reassure me AGAIN that day of His love for me, and how more than anything He wants me near.  I may feel yucky and condemned and reluctant to speak to Him, but He says, “Come close to me.”  He sent His Son to save my life, even though I had “sold him” into slavery (and myself) either by over-indulging  when I knew I shouldn’t, or by condemning myself and forgetting that I am freed from that by His sacrifice!

He wanted to remind me that even though there may be a seeming famine (of what?  treats? puh-lease…healthy food is yummy!…no, I would say the famine was of joy in some moments, or perhaps the feeling of disciplined behavior can seem like famine), and there may not be plowing and reaping just yet (can’t wake up with insta-tone in my muscles or drop 10 pounds overnight, ya’ know), there WILL be a harvest later, and Jesus wants to save me so I can share in the victory with Him!

Finally, He says I get to actually live my life NEAR Him, if I just choose to do so, and He tells me to tell the Father all about it, and draw Him close (to me)!

Come near to God, and He will come near to you.(James 4:8 NIV)

Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time.  (The Msg)

yes. Yes. YES!!!!!

Has it been a “perfect” week since then?  Come on, I’m human.  I HAVE been working out my resistance muscle as well as the rest of my muscles...have had some major blessings in the teaching of my Christ-centered yoga classes,

2 Corinthians 4:7-10

getting to actually TAKE a yoga class from one of my favorite teachers (and getting really sweaty and happy and cleansed of toxins in the process), eating and making healthy food, dancing and singing on stage to some of the best music ever written with some of my best pals,

spending time with my husband as he shows me around our budding garden and trees,

playing with, petting, and adoring our sweet, furry babies,

and thinking of all of the wonderful things I want to share here!  Ideas abound!  So much to say, post, share, etc!

There have also been trials.  Normal. I have tried to focus on the good in all of them (really I have!). (Philippians 4:8)

The biggest blessing, though…the love of My Lord.  Who is full of care for me, watches over me, sings over me, guides me, strengthens me, laughs with me, exercises with me…and reassures me.

My foundation in all of this is Him. 

Matthew 7:24-25 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”

I can continue to press on in my journey (and so can you!) in faith, with perseverance, building character and hope (which never fails!)…and I can trust that He will make something beautiful out of it!

Produce may make me happy, but my LORD MAKES ME HAPPIEST!

I pray you find your “happy” in Him today.


little Robyn

Ps—on an earthly side, it’s not “just spiritually” that I have lightness….my costumes have been feeling looser!  I will Praise God for that harvest, too!!!

My Amazon review of “The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast” by Kristen Feola…and some other stuff…=-)

The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast
Customer Review

5.0 out of 5 stars Nourishing in every way! Heart, soul, mind, and body…=-),May 10, 2011
Happy Girl “Happy Girl”
This review is from: The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast (Paperback)

If I could describe this book in one word, it would be WONDERFUL. Meaning, full of Wonder(s)…miracles on the plate, in my mouth, in my mind, and in my heart…

Could one buy this book just for the 21 days of devotions inside and be pleased? Yes.

Could one buy this book just for the amazing, natural, unprocessed and tasty recipes inside and be pleased? Yes.

However, with both resources at your fingertips, why would you only utilize one portion?!?

I will not go into the long story of how this book came into my hands, but trust me, that was a miracle in itself. I literally heard about it on a Saturday and won it on a radio show the next Wednesday…having only found out about the radio show the night before…but again, I’ll save you the details. Just know that it was evidence to me that I was indeed supposed to do this.

I am already a pretty healthy eater. I am a professional singer/dancer and a Christ-centered yoga teacher who promotes the ideas of whole foods, juicing, raw food, small lists of ingredients on labels, etc…but I do live in this world and indulge in the “other stuff” from time to time.

With all of that activity, you might expect me to look like one of those fitness cover models, but I don’t…in fact, over the last few years, I have accumulated and kept that “last 10 pounds” so many are plagued with…

I wanted this book so that I could really HEAR what God was trying to say to me about not only my habits, but perhaps my Christ-centered yoga business, my family, or anyone else that maybe I was needing to pray for! I did know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I needed to tune in.

I heard the author on the radio show and was touched about her description of fasting as an outward activity just as much or more so than inward. It’s not just some diet you go on, and it’s not just something you do as a method hoping to get some miracle or revelation from God…It is something you do as an act of Devotion, perhaps in order to bless others through intercessory prayer, or to really draw closer to God in your dependence on Him through this time…and then, yes, I would say it is not unusual for some kind of “breakthrough” to happen in your life! But rest assured, it is the kind of breakthrough you need, not just what you want…but the funny thing is, I would bet just about anything to say that by the time you receive “it”, you realize how much it is EXACTLY what you need AND want…(Funny how a loving Father likes to do that…)

But back to the book!
The pictures are beautiful; the devotions are RIGHT ON. During my 21 days, I did not have a single bad recipe. There is an optional meal plan provided, but there are so many recipes included in the book that you can switch things out for other things that look more appealing to you. There are even recipes never used in the meal plan…and one thinks, wow! I can’t wait to use those later, too!

The book is divided very well. The first section explains the different kinds of fasting there are, what kind this is (Partial food fast), and why one goes on a fast.
SIDEBAR: You will not go hungry on this fast. There is more than enough food, and it is satisfying. You are only fasting from certain types of foods, not food altogether.

The Second section is called “Focus” and contains the daily devotions, as well as sidebar testimonies of the experiences other Daniel fasters have had. Kristen Feola obviously seeks the Lord in her own life, is a human being with typical daily challenges, and allows God to change her with each one…and in the process, He has used her pen and paper to not only share her journey but encourage others who are also traveling His path! 1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that no temptations, trials, daily problems will we come across that are not “common to man”…meaning we all go through it and can encourage each other!

The Third section contains the recipes and meal plan.
Let’s talk about the food, shall we? Yum. Yum. Yum.

I honestly made so much food in the first week that I was able to extend the leftovers through the following weeks to a certain degree by putting half in the freezer. I have a daily habit of making green smoothies, so that was one full meal I did not need to make, but honestly, there is plenty of food here!
My all time favorite? The Baked Oatmeal…who would have thought a baked oatmeal square sweetened only with the dry fruit within could be so scrumptious?! I literally had my last serving in the freezer for a week, because I was putting off the bittersweet feeling of it being my last serving! Ha! Like I couldn’t make more!

The Tuscan Soup is very good, as is the Black Bean Chili Bake. My husband loves both soup and chili far more than I do, so I shared (though I like them a lot!). He couldn’t stop raving! They are hearty, filling, and yummy.

Of the Savory dishes, I really, really, really, really, really, loved the Asparagus-Mushroom saute’!!! Again, so yum…I confess, I was kind of glad my hubby is not a fan of Asparagus so that I could be a little selfish…(that has to sound funny as I draw closer to God, huh…)

How could you not love something called Antipasto Pizza Pie! Nourishing, warm, satisfying.

The Mega Greek salad was such a great thing to have in the fridge and nosh on all week!!!

When I was beginning to miss “bread”, I made the Pineapple-Citrus muffins. They were awesome…I just ate my last one yesterday. I was admittedly “hoarding” it, again, silly fear of that “last one” feeling…and then I turn that over to God and say “Thank You for the great food and the opportunity to enjoy it again!” I did add a little salt to the muffins when I would eat them, as for my taste buds they seemed to need a little. (Not worried about that, as I have typically low blood pressure and my health care provider has given me the “all clear” on salt…)

Kristen Feola's beautiful picture of the Pineapple Citrus muffin

My last lil Pineapple Citrus muffin, having been in a ziploc bag in anticipation...

The smoothies are Scrumptious. Snickerdoodle smoothie and Strawberry-Banana smoothie are in the book, but I have also tried Feola’s plum-good smoothie and sweet spinach smoothie from her website, and they are amazing!  www.ultimatedanielfast.com

SIDEBAR: One of the reasons I wanted Feola’s book over others out there; she is soooo generous. Her website is chock full of these recipes! You can tell she is out there to help others, not just sell a book by holding out in the recipe department. The website also has her blog and lots of wonderful information…Go there, and be blessed by it! And then buy the book; you will be glad you did!

One day, I made the flatbread with cinnamon…it was so satisfying that I literally only ate that, while drinking some green juice I just made, for breakfast…and I was full and content! That is not like me. I typically want a “Capital B” breakfast…
Which leads me to the Nutty Fruit cereal. Again, total surprise at how full and satisfied I was. And also, soooo delicious.

I have just given my husband the grocery list of ingredients I need to make the Flatbread pizza tomorrow…I am very excited about that! I have been finished with the Daniel fast for over a week now, but I am still using the recipes..that is how good they are!

As for what I learned from God through this whole process, believe it or not, my “breakthrough” was a bunch of little things I had been hearing from Him all along, but not really plugging into…things that help me function in a more peaceful and productive manner (and it was like finally seeing the neon sign)…and prayers for very specific people.

And yes, I had some material breakthrough blessings as well! I am hoping to include my personal Daniel Fast notes and experiences on my blog in the next week or soooo…feel free to comment on my review if you would like to know where you can find that…=-)

One more thing, I do have to disagree with one reviewer: not all of the recipes are gluten-free, as some call for whole wheat flour. However, substitutions can be made…again, feel free to comment here if you would like suggestions on how.

Kristen Feola certainly has a heart for God and for His people, and I am so glad that she followed the call in her spirit to write the book and be used of God to help others. I do believe that God can and will speak to you through this book if you seek Him with your whole heart…He will be found; He promises!

To whomever is reading this review, I pray blessings and discernment about whether or not this book is for you…I can assure you, you will not regret its purchase! Allow yourself to hit the “re-set” button on your physical and spiritual life, and tune in to God and your body!

Have a blessed day!


So, I pasted those pix in here…obviously they are not on Amazon…and I was not allowed to type in the website there, either, but I can do it here!  yay!

And truly, today I did prep to make the Flatbread pizza tomorrow… I have the dough resting in the fridge, and my Spinach-Artichoke dip is ready to be spread on the crust tomorrow when the time comes (and bonus!  I won’t be using it all on the crust, so guess who gets to have some Spin-Art with her gluten-free rice crackers!  Yesssss!)

Here is my fresh out of the oven Spin-Art:

I will not post the recipe here, but I will encourage you again to go to the website to get it, and have a look around!  It is amazing!!!  Be blessed by it, say Robyn sent ya, and go buy the book!



Also, a sidebar!!!  While I was prepping for the Spinach-Artichoke dip, I was using my garlic press from Pampered Chef.  I love that thing!  I was also using my Pampered Chef measuring cups AND my oil spritzer, which is hands-down my favorite of all P.C. products…I love that I can put a healthy cooking oil in it and spray it onto my cooking dishes.  MUCH healthier than those store-bought things with propellants, etc.  All of that to say, if you don’t have a Pampered Chef Consultant yet, and would like one, please consider my friend Kristin Cartwright.  She has NO idea I am writing this, but I will probably send her a link right after!


Be blessed, today, ever’body!  I have another blog in my head that has been ITCHING to come out since Monday, but it will just have to wait…soon!

(Been saying that to myself a lot lately, but you know what?  Between doing 6 shows a week, exercising 5 times a week, doing my devotions, making healthy food, spending time with my husband, running a small-but-growing yoga business, and scheduling quiet time…well, you just have to make room for balance, you know?)  1 Peter 5:7…casting my cares on Him, and He will take care of me…

And He will do the same for you!  Keep Looking Up!

Mike’s Green Juice, and how to do calendar?

So, that green juice I alluded to in my previous post and tweets…here is a big container of it!  And for those who wish, the recipe!  Thanks to Mike for the inspiration!

(I use mine as a base for green smoothies, or I pour about 8 ounces in my blender with some ice and salt and make a non-alcoholic “natural margarita”!)

Here is the Mike’s Green Juice recipe:

All ingredients are organic if you can find them.

1 Bunch of Celery (You may add 2 bunches for yield)

1 Bunch of Lacinato Kale

2 Cucumbers

1 Bunch of Parsley

1 Bunch of Cilantro (This may be omitted for taste) (which is what I do as I am either highly allergic or just flat dislike cilantro)

1 Bunch of Spinach if you can find it with roots and all (Otherwise a couple of handfuls of Baby Spinach)

1 Green Apple (Add two if you like)

1 Pear (This can be omitted for taste but you will miss a great taste treat).

Thoroughly wash all ingredients and run through your juicer (I do half the recipe at a time) and pour into blender or Vita-Mix when juiced.

Juice of 1 grapefruit

Juice of 2 Limes

Juice of 1 Lemon

Add these juices to the blender or Vita-Mix and add a pinch of sea salt along with a handful of ice cubes. Blend until frothy and serve chilled.

Repeat this process with the other half of the recipe and store in glass containers in the fridge. Recipe makes about 1 gallon and stays good for a couple of days! If stored, stir before using. For a higher yield, run the pulp through the juicer a second time

(I also throw the whole lemon, limes and grapefruit in the blender, cuz I like the pulp!)

On a practical note…I want to use the Calendar widget to show what my class schedule is like right now…is that possible? can someone WordPress friendly help me, please?

Lots of love and green healthiness, and cheers (clink)!


My Amazon Review of Reshaping It All

(here is a cut-and-paste of my recent review…followed by a picture…=-p )
Customer Review

5.0 out of 5 stars Loving encouragement, NOT a tell-all or lofty impossibility,May 6, 2011
Happy Girl “Happy Girl”
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Reshaping It All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness (Paperback)

I am really enjoying this book. To be honest, I hesitated to buy it after I read a bunch of the reviews. Some made me want it more; some made me cautious. I had heard Candace Cameron Bure’ speak and found her to be genuine and sincere, but that was over a year ago, and I wondered if I had missed something? Some of the reviews make this book sound as if it is centered on her and how amazing she is and that she serves a god of discipline. I find that NOT to be the case…more on that in a moment.

I actually had the opportunity to her hear speak again LAST FRIDAY and was taking a friend, based on my previous experience. Once again, I was delighted with how genuine she is, how much she loves her Lord and Savior, and how deeply she feels that need for everyone to know Him…and delight in Him…and give their whole selves to Him…

I had just begun following her and the co-author, Darlene Schacht (a darling woman of God), on twitter a short time before, and right after hearing her speak last week, I saw that there was a “65 days to Reshaping It all” challenge beginning in a few days. That did it. Having heard her speak so wonderfully again, having considered this purchase for awhile, and having various other confirmations that this was resource I was supposed to get, I ordered from Amazon the very next day.

I am not disappointed.

I don’t know what other reviewers were referring to when they mention the book jumping around or not being well-written…I have not found that to be the case at all!!! Granted I have only read 3 chapters, but honestly, I think a writing style would be prevalent by now, and those remarks do not characterize what I am seeing.
I am seeing warmth, open-ness, and loving encouragement. Is it a sordid tell-all? No. Doesn’t need to be. Candace openly acknowledges faults, quirks, what have you…issues that are just as the Word says, “common to man” which we all share, so guess what? We can all relate. (and by the way, having faults does not make one less of a Christian or ruin their witness…God has used many “fallen” folks along the way! and we ALL are! That’s why we needed Jesus! and still do…)

Is it rocket science? No. Many of us already know in our hearts what she is saying, and maybe just needed it confirmed this one last time. or next 30 times. As far as nutritional advice, again, nothing majorly new here, if you have read anything about nutrition…moderation, whole foods, eating when you are hungry and abstaining when you are not…but the focus is on how our relationship with God can change us from the inside out and give us the power to stand in these areas!

So, if you are looking for a new diet book, or celebrity tell-all, or magic method to weight loss…this isn’t really it…or maybe it is. Depends on your perspective…
If you are looking to be changed from the inside out (and have that change be reflected in your health–physical, mental and spiritual), you must seek God first…and this book just may have the encouraging words that help you get there, or affirm that you are normal, or point you back to the Best Book of all…
If you have a good friend or sister to whom you often listen for loving advice, you know how to hear that…THAT is what this book is like…pull up a chair, have a cup of coffee or tea, and sit down for a chat with sister/friend Candace…maybe her story will help you!

Ps–there are helpful things like recipes, scripture references, practical tips at the end of each chapter. Also, yes, she has included fan letters and her responses, as well. One reviewer thought these were repetitive. Perhaps they are; I have only read 3…but here’s the deal: Candace says that she wrote this book because she kept receiving sooo many e-mails and letters asking her these questions, so clearly that falls in line with the purpose of this book- not as a “look at me and how great I am”, but as a validation of why the book needed to be written. So many of us struggle with the same things! be validated, friend. You are not alone, and there are many with whom you can bond and rise up from your trial! God will lift you up!

Get the book and enjoy.

PPS–as for discipline…yes, one can get obsessive. That is something we need to go to God about to protect ourselves from going out of balance. But discipline is necessary. Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. ”

Go for a harvest of righteousness and peace!


A picture of me and one of my “Besties” (who first coined that term?  It has grown on me), Alana, waiting to hear CCB speak at the Women’s Rally at James River Assemble in Ozark!

I know, right?!?!?

My goodness…how is it that when one finally goes to bed on time, they wake up at 3am and cannot shut off the brain?!?  As I tossed and turned, and after getting up to heed the call of nature, I contemplated my choices: workout now, devotional now, finish credit card statement balance now, blog now, or lay here now?

Well, my mind eventually began thinking up phrases and sentences for the blog, so I thought, “alright!  here we go!”…been a long time comin’ and was on  my to-do list for the day anyway.

Which is how I find myself still here at 6:14 am just barely starting…but having immersed myself in the world of WordPress.  Sort of.

I have changed my blog’s appearance, I have attempted to link it up with Facebook and Twitter (thought I already had?), and spent an unheard of amount of time trying to figure out Gravatars…first of all, that word makes me think my pictures will all come out blueAnd why can’t I just have my picture show up in the sidebar already?  Why is there this funny symbol that one’s cursor must hover over to “sort of” see some pictures? Answers and help greatly appreciated.  I do believe God has better things for me to do at this moment than spend another unheard of amount of time deciphering Help topics…=-)  like, maybe catching up this blog!

aka, take a breath and let go...

And, breathe.

So, I have been promising various folks that I will be blogging about this or that for a few weeks now…so much to share about the wonders God is doing and has done in my life!

Psalm 105:5 (New International Version, ©2011)

5 Remember the wonders he has done,
   his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced

The crazy thing is, there is so much to tell, I may have to break it up into parts, or have a verrrrry long blog post.  I’ll let you know what I decide at the end…which by that time, you will already know.

And, I am thinking of going most recent to a month ago…which, since blogs appear with the most recently posted on top, means you may actually read them in order of occurrence!  Ha!  It is way too early for that Quantum Leap thinking…

And my alarm just went off, so it’s time to wake up. 😉

So, let’s start with NOW.

Right now I am trusting that even though this day has started incredibly backwards, God can anoint, protect, and turn it around!

Already I have been blessed by seeing my husband off to work and enjoying a healthy breakfast…the first important because I LOVE HIM SO, and the second, because I want to take care of this temple and glorify the Lord through it!

I am currently taking part in a “65 days to Reshaping It All” challenge.  To learn more, go here (not a hyplerlink, but there is one in the sidebar. Otherwise, please cut and paste…anyone want to tell me how to insert a hyperlink?):


It is an online blog/community for those wishing to Reshape their lives spiritually and physically!  It is based on the book “Reshaping It All” by Candace Cameron Bure’ with Darlene Schacht.  I have written a review of the book on Amazon.com (again, not a hyperlink):


My reviewer name is Happy Girl.  Suffice it to say, it is a positive review. Please go check it out!

(I may post by itself afterwards, but I already have so many words with which to to inundate you!)

But Robyn, you teach Christ-centered yoga!  You sing and dance in a high energy show! You love healthy foods!  You talk about all of this good-for-us stuff!  Why would you need to do this challenge?

(a.k.a, I know, right?!?!)

Because God often uses my mess to give a message.

Through the next series of blogs, I hope to fill in whatever readers I may have (and I so appreciate you taking the time!) on how I have had just about every reason possible, be it nurture or nature, to have an eating disorder, to have obsessive-compulsive tendencies,  to lack peace in my spiritual and physical life…but I know the Truth, and the Truth has, is, and will, set me free!

John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Have you ever had one of those times in your life when it seems all signs are pointing to the same direction?  When you have really sought God, and His answer is a “barrage” of resources that seem to just flow together?  (And believe me, in this world we are certainly exposed to sooo many resources all the time…the trick is leaning on Him for discernment as to which ones we focus our attention!)

Well, that has DEFINITELY been happening to me!

God has been using all kinds of things…He often speaks to me through music.  One of my favorite things when I go walking or jogging, is to set my I-pod to shuffle, and ask God to be my DJ…you would be ASTOUNDED by the incredibly accurate playlists He comes up with; both secular and Christian songs!  In fact, I am will be listing some of those soon!

God often speaks to me by “playing” a song over and over in my head until I stop to analyze why it keeps going…and it is usually a pretty obvious message…and even funny! (Sidebar: did you the know the week after Easter is Holy Hilarity week in Orthodox churches?  I just found this out!  God is the author of humor, and we can choose to laugh in honor of His pulling the ultimate trick on the Devil with the Risen Christ!  Awesome!  That is something to chortle about…=-))

And, lately, a lot of books.

How about “Made to Crave” by Lysa TerKeurst, “The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast” by Kristen Feola, “Raw Emotions” by Angela Stokes, and “I can make you thin”  by Paul McKenna (I know, what? There is good stuff there, I promise…don’t shy away!) ?  My plan is to discuss these in some form or fashion very soon…but for now, let’s just say they are most definitely linked with what I have been asking of God, and what He has been answering!

I did just finish a Daniel Fast, in fact, and have a blog of that to write…so stay tuned!  So much wonderful stuff to share and all of it leading to where I am right now!…and possibly what God may be trying to tell YOU…! (holla back, Kristen, I adore you and the book!  Can’t wait to share!)

So, yes, a history of body image issues (nurture and nature), family history of depression on one side and addiction on the other (thank the Lord for generational curses being broken in His Power), health issues (candida conditions, hormonal issues, injuries from my life as a high energy performer) have certainly distracted me and gotten me down from time to time…but God has always been there and will always be there…and the mountain of Emotional Eating is no longer mine.  What I have known to be true in my head for a long time in this issue is finally going to be true in my heart, in His timing and Strength!

So, let’s get down to the practical side of things…and doing the Reshaping It All challenge…I don’t know exactly what that will mean for me, yet, except that I do have a goal of blogging at least once a week about it.  I have a goal of consistency with my exercise, eating healthily AND having a treat once or twice a week, and most importantly, putting the first things first, meaning God and all that He is telling me to do!

What has He been telling me to do?  To get enough sleep.  To not only choose right foods, but TURN OFF THE TV when I am eating. To take 2 rest days a week from exercise (other than my show), and to choose exercises that I like (who doesn’t know that already?  and yet I have to be reminded), not what the world says is effective, because I will actually DO it.  (Romans 12:1-2, anybody?) To not only do the Love Dare on my husband, but Also On Myself (where appropriate)!

Because it all starts and ends with Love.  He is love.  He loves me.  Who am I not to love myself?  As is often said, can’t give away what I don’t have.

The ministering service He has given me, Vessels of Clay Yoga, LLC (Christ-centered yoga), depends on my ability to love…and funnily enough, I am able to love my students, but not myself.  I seek Him on their behalf and He fills me so full of Grace…but I have not received for me…so how could I be surprised if I do not seemingly walk in victory over my own issues?

1 Corinthians 13:1
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

I do not wish my thoughts and words towards myself to be a bunch of noise!  Where is the peace in that?  And my whole life and mission is all about love and peace!  My students see that, my friends see that, and I know it…I am ready to live it more often than I have…

Because you see, I DO live it…but I hear God calling me up higher…He doesn’t just want you or me to only have glimpses of the Joyful Life He came for us to have (John 10:10), He wants us to be free always!

There are gonna’ be down days…and luckily, we don’t have to live by how we feel.  I can also guarantee you that after a victory, the enemy is going to try to steal your joy.  Stick close to God, my friend.  This is where we have an opportunity to build up that Resistance Muscle…a phrase I am taking from Reshaping It all…

Oh yeah, the challenge!

Let’s quit babbling, shall we?  Yesterday was indeed a victorious day…the day before was one of moderation…Here is a cut-and-paste of yesterday’s tweets (had fun posting my healthy choices):

littleRobynRobyn Hurst
#reshapingitall have had marvy day of good food & movement; lists to follow! I praise You, oh Lord 4 your marvelous works in me & of me!

yoga this a.m., followed by performing in my show (#1 hits of the 60’s in Branson), & now to teach Christ-centered yoga!

Food: bfast: millet rice oatbran w/alm milk, chia seeds, hemp seeds. Snack:ezeke tortilla w/collards, chry tomatoes…#reshapingitall

Lnch:green smoothie w/green juice (made b4),rice prot pwdr,froz peaches, soaked dates, cinn, &lil greek yog!Yum sneaky veg. #reshapingitall

Pre~yoga teach din: homemade bean burg w/annie’s ketchup, salad of collard, almonds, onion, cranberries, flax oil n lemon vinegar. #

FINALLY, lil treat in form of java monster vanilla light. (needed to use micro in gas station & forgot fork, so…) love #reshapingitall!

Unloading yoga class stuff in rain=yucky, wet teacher, BUT also = @VeslsOfClayYoga is ready to kick it praise, worship, sweat n bliss style!

had a GRRREAAAAT time with my students tonight! Yummy yoga, powerful praise. Love you, Lord! Thank you for my portion!

Now, will I always post all those things?  Nope.  For me, that could become obsessive behavior.

What I want you to know is that the day BEFORE this one was a generally healthy eating day, but a rest day from exercise (except for my show); however,  after the show my hubby and I went out for an impromptu dinner of Sushi and Plum wine (one glass)…followed by Andy’s frozen custard.

Moderation in Action.

I chose NOT to condemn myself.  I actually had a peace about it.  And you can see how in following the Lord the next day, it went swimmingly!  Are there challenges?  Yes.  Before that dinner, we were supposed to have an appointment that the other party forgot.  Right now, I have been awake for 5.5 hours, and I have to leave for work in 4 hours.  Would like to work on Credit Card balancing, do some moving/exercising and take a nap, for heaven’s sake.  It’s going to take some strength just to make myself lie down…

Phillipians 4:13 tells me I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.  I am choosing to really believe and accept that this time.

I praise You, Lord, and I receive Your Word.  I mean it, I hear You!!!  And I am so humbled and blessed that you bother.  Thank You, Big Daddy.

With love,

your little Robyn