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Posts tagged ‘fruits’

Mike’s Green Juice, and how to do calendar?

So, that green juice I alluded to in my previous post and tweets…here is a big container of it!  And for those who wish, the recipe!  Thanks to Mike for the inspiration!

(I use mine as a base for green smoothies, or I pour about 8 ounces in my blender with some ice and salt and make a non-alcoholic “natural margarita”!)

Here is the Mike’s Green Juice recipe:

All ingredients are organic if you can find them.

1 Bunch of Celery (You may add 2 bunches for yield)

1 Bunch of Lacinato Kale

2 Cucumbers

1 Bunch of Parsley

1 Bunch of Cilantro (This may be omitted for taste) (which is what I do as I am either highly allergic or just flat dislike cilantro)

1 Bunch of Spinach if you can find it with roots and all (Otherwise a couple of handfuls of Baby Spinach)

1 Green Apple (Add two if you like)

1 Pear (This can be omitted for taste but you will miss a great taste treat).

Thoroughly wash all ingredients and run through your juicer (I do half the recipe at a time) and pour into blender or Vita-Mix when juiced.

Juice of 1 grapefruit

Juice of 2 Limes

Juice of 1 Lemon

Add these juices to the blender or Vita-Mix and add a pinch of sea salt along with a handful of ice cubes. Blend until frothy and serve chilled.

Repeat this process with the other half of the recipe and store in glass containers in the fridge. Recipe makes about 1 gallon and stays good for a couple of days! If stored, stir before using. For a higher yield, run the pulp through the juicer a second time

(I also throw the whole lemon, limes and grapefruit in the blender, cuz I like the pulp!)

On a practical note…I want to use the Calendar widget to show what my class schedule is like right now…is that possible? can someone WordPress friendly help me, please?

Lots of love and green healthiness, and cheers (clink)!
